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Soccer tactics range from the way a player stands or moves to the pace, style, positioning, and movement of the entire team.


How those concepts are conveyed is a language of its own, which can be baffling to a new coach and even to some experienced ones.


The drills, games, and activities in this section will help you build a team that can adapt to different playing styles.


You can use these sessions and advice to coach tactics to your players. How do you train them to cope with a team that presses high up the pitch? Or one that sits deep and invites pressure?

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Small-sided game: Winning your battles

Small-sided game: Winning your battles

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Practice 2: Setting the traps

Practice 2: Setting the traps

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Small-sided game: Setting the traps

Small-sided game: Setting the traps

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Practice: The shooting range

Practice: The shooting range

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Small-sided game: The shooting range

Small-sided game: The shooting range

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Small-sided game: Play out from defence

Small-sided game: Play out from defence

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Practice 2: Play out from defence

Practice 2: Play out from defence

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Small-sided game: Exploiting overloads

Small-sided game: Exploiting overloads

Trusted by thousands of coaches

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Small-sided game: Crossing and finishing

Small-sided game: Crossing and finishing

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Practice: Breaking the lines

Practice: Breaking the lines

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Small-sided game: Breaking the lines

Small-sided game: Breaking the lines

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Flying full-backs

Flying full-backs

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Practice 1: Exploiting overloads

Practice 1: Exploiting overloads

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Practice 2: Exploiting overloads

Practice 2: Exploiting overloads

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Practice 2: Mastering the basics

Practice 2: Mastering the basics

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Practice: Attack at top speed

Practice: Attack at top speed

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Soccer Coach Weekly Issue 198

Latest Issue

Soccer Coach Weekly Issue 198
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Small-sided game: Operation overload

Small-sided game: Operation overload

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Practice: Operation overload

Practice: Operation overload

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Warm-up: Operation overload

Warm-up: Operation overload

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Warm up: Pressing and covering

Warm up: Pressing and covering

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Small-sided game: Changing course

Small-sided game: Changing course

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Practice: Mastering the flanks

Practice: Mastering the flanks

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Warm-up: Mastering the flanks

Warm-up: Mastering the flanks

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Score from close range

Score from close range

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Soccer Coach Weekly

Soccer Coach Weekly offers proven and easy to use soccer drills, coaching sessions, practice plans, small-sided games, warm-ups, training tips and advice.


We've been at the cutting edge of soccer coaching since we launched in 2007, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779