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Pressing drills and games

These pressing drills and games are designed to give your players the best opportunity to practice winning the ball back with a variety of pressing techniques.

Editor's Picks

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Developing soccer skills: pressing

Developing soccer skills: pressing

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Press with aggression

Press with aggression

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Press with intensity

Press with intensity

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Rondo, rondo, rondo

Rondo, rondo, rondo

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Tactics tips – 4-3-3 to beat 3-5-2

Tactics tips – 4-3-3 to beat 3-5-2

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Perfecting pressing

Perfecting pressing

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Warm-Up: Defending in our half

Warm-Up: Defending in our half

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Warm-up: Press from the front

Warm-up: Press from the front

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Warm-up: Delaying and denying

Warm-up: Delaying and denying

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Press with aggression

Press with aggression

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Soccer drill to improve jockeying skills

Soccer drill to improve jockeying skills

Trusted by thousands of coaches

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Small-sided game: Delaying and denying

Small-sided game: Delaying and denying

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Practice: Delaying and denying

Practice: Delaying and denying

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Step up to win the ball

Step up to win the ball

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Small-sided game: Freedom of the press

Small-sided game: Freedom of the press

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Practice 1: Freedom of the press

Practice 1: Freedom of the press

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Practice 2: Freedom of the press

Practice 2: Freedom of the press

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Practice 2: Setting the traps

Practice 2: Setting the traps

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Practice 1: Setting the traps

Practice 1: Setting the traps

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Soccer Coach Weekly Issue 196

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Soccer Coach Weekly Issue 196
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Small-sided game: Setting the traps

Small-sided game: Setting the traps

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Small-sided game: Exploiting overloads

Small-sided game: Exploiting overloads

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Practice 1: Exploiting overloads

Practice 1: Exploiting overloads

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Practice 2: Exploiting overloads

Practice 2: Exploiting overloads

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Small-sided game: Pressed into action

Small-sided game: Pressed into action

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Practice: Pressed into action

Practice: Pressed into action

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Warm-up: Pressed into action

Warm-up: Pressed into action

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Practice 2: Mastering the basics

Practice 2: Mastering the basics

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Soccer Coach Weekly

Soccer Coach Weekly offers proven and easy to use soccer drills, coaching sessions, practice plans, small-sided games, warm-ups, training tips and advice.


We've been at the cutting edge of soccer coaching since we launched in 2007, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779