Develop an attacker’s decision-making and identifying the right times to take risks in 1v1s.
Works on players’ decision-making and identifying the right times to take more risks in 1v1 situations to gain reward.
Mark out a rectangular area, relative to the age, ability and number of your players, with gates on three sides. The attacker starts on the side of the area where there is no gate, and the defender starts opposite them, with the ball. The remaining gates on the other two sides of the area are positioned closer to the defender than to the attacker.
The defender passes to the attacker and then attempts to win the ball back. On receiving the ball, the attacker aims to dribble through any of the three gates. They get more points if they dribble through the gate the defender entered the practice through. If the defender wins the ball, they aim to exit through any of the gates.
Use feints and disguise to beat the defender.
Shift the defender’s body weight and look to attack the space on the other side.
Identify when it is worth taking the risk to gain the extra points.
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*includes 3 coaching manuals
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