Develop an attacker’s ability to take on a defender who is directly in front of them and then shoot.
Allows a player to focus on dribbling against an opponent directly in front of them. It also provides the scenario of being close to goal, where beating a player can lead to a shot.
Split a rectangular area in half, with a goal and a goalkeeper situated just outside of it. The size of the area needs to be relative to the age, ability and number of your players. The attacker starts on the end line, with a defender on the halfway line, and the server positioned just outside of the area, close to the halfway line, with the ball.
As soon as the server makes the pass to the attacker, the defender can press and attempt to win the ball. The attacker aims to move over the halfway line. Once they do, they can have a shot on goal. If the defender wins the ball, they aim to drive over the line where the attacker started, or they can pass it to the server. Players rotate roles after every go.
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*includes 3 coaching manuals
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