Develop an attacker’s ability to take on a defender who is approaching them from the side.
Provides the attacking player the challenge of beating a defender approaching them from the side, rather than directly in front of them.
Mark out a rectangular area, with two sets of gates on two of the sides. The attacker starts with the ball, between one set of gates. The defender starts directly opposite the attacker, between the other set of gates.
The attacker starts by dribbling through one of the gates and entering the area. As soon as the attacker travels towards their selected gate, the defender can enter the area through the gate that is the furthest away. So, if the attacker selects the gate to their right hand-side, the defender must enter through the gate to their right hand-side, and vice versa. The attacker then looks to dribble through either of the defender’s gates. If the defender wins the ball, they look to dribble through either of the attacker’s gates.
Can you reach the gate directly in front of you? Can you get between the gate and the defender?
If not, can you use the defender’s body weight to identify which side to exploit?
Keep shifting the defender until an opportunity to go past them arises.
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*includes 3 coaching manuals
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