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Shooting drills and games


These soccer shooting drills will enhance your players’ ability to beat the goalkeeper from many different positions. Shooting is a core soccer skill for EVERY player and we have some great ways to coach it.


We look at shooting from dead-ball situations, shooting while running, shooting first time, driven shots, and how to make the ball bend, curl and dip. We have great soccer shooting drills and games to help you coach the skills to all your players.

Small-sided games
Warm Up
Age Group
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Split defence and finish

Split defence and finish

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Warm up: The shooting range

Warm up: The shooting range

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Spot opening – shoot

Spot opening – shoot

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Ten seconds to score

Ten seconds to score

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Score to gain a player

Score to gain a player

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Better instinctive finishing

Better instinctive finishing

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Pre-season Training – one touch shot

Pre-season Training – one touch shot

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Wide receivers

Wide receivers

Trusted by thousands of coaches

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Scoring from crosses

Scoring from crosses

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Sharpen up strikers

Sharpen up strikers

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Practice: Be the fox in the box

Practice: Be the fox in the box

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Find the target man

Find the target man

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5 ways to shoot at goal

5 ways to shoot at goal

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Sharp shooter

Sharp shooter

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Shoot from outside the box

Shoot from outside the box

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Two runners

Two runners

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Soccer Coach Weekly Issue 198

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Soccer Coach Weekly Issue 198
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Four corners

Four corners

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Overload Attack

Overload Attack

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Skills slalom

Skills slalom

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Inspire your players to score more goals

Inspire your players to score more goals

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Striker combinations

Striker combinations

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Fast central attacks

Fast central attacks

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Kevin Nicholson Total Finishing – complete session

Kevin Nicholson Total Finishing – complete session

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Soccer Coach Weekly

Soccer Coach Weekly offers proven and easy to use soccer drills, coaching sessions, practice plans, small-sided games, warm-ups, training tips and advice.


We've been at the cutting edge of soccer coaching since we launched in 2007, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.

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Part of Green Star Media Ltd. Company number: 3008779