Develop your players’ ability to turn and execute it effectively. Use this session as a standalone activity, or combine it with two progressions to create a full session
Gives players a chance to develop their ability to turn. Also helps them to recognise when they need to turn, and in which direction. They will also need to execute the turn quickly and effectively.
Set up a square area with a set of gates on two sides of (as per the diagram). There should be no more than 6-8 players per area. Split them into attackers and defenders.
Defenders start with the ball. One defender plays the ball into an attacker and a second enters the area and tries to win the ball of the attacker. The attacker looks to dribble through one set of gates. If the defender wins the ball, they try to dribble through a gate. The defender who first played the ball now becomes the defender who enters the area. The attacker and defender in the area exit and join the back of the line. Teams swap roles after a set amount of time and compete against each other - who can win the most points?
Identify when you should turn and in which direction. Consider the choice of turn and the execution. Use the smallest number of touches needed to execute the turn and do it quickly; consider sharpness of turn and acceleration to get away from the defender.
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