Players focus on collecting a ball with an open body and on their back foot to enable a quick pass.
This conditioned game encourages players to receive with an open body and on the back foot. Doing so will allow them to play quicker, giving them a better chance of being successful when they are attacking.
Split the area into thirds. Each team has a goalkeeper, two defenders, three midfielders and an attacker. These players are locked into their designated zones. There are also two support players, who help the team in possession. These players can move between the different thirds, but can’t be situated in the same third at the same time.
Play as a normal game, but the ball must be transferred between the different thirds through a pass, rather than a dribble.
Scan the area to identify where to receive the ball and where the other players are positioned
Complete a double movement
Open your body so you can see the ball and as much of the area as possible
Receive the ball on the back foot
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