Improve one touch passing and movement in tight areas.
Mark out several areas in different shapes. Use triangles, circles, semi-circles, diamonds or any other shape you wish to use.
Players work within one shape at a time playing one-touch pass and move for three minutes.
The players move around each of the shapes in their team of three.
Players count the number of passes in each shape. The highest total after all shapes have been played is the winner.
Once a circuit has been completed, restart in the original shape.
Improve one touch passing and movement in tight areas.
Area: Several areas up to 12x12 yards maximum
Players: 6 – 20
Equipment: Lots of cones, one ball per group
“Pass and move”
“Don’t stand still”
Instead of rotating the whole team, one player at a time in sequence leaves the shape with the ball and links with two different players in the next shape. Scores are checked after each 3 minute interval as teams are constantly changing.
Alternatively, in sequence, one player leaves each shape without a ball and runs to the next shape to try and win the ball by knocking it out of the shape, thus creating a 2v1 situation. The last pair to lose possession wins. Restart with the three now in the shape but with a different player leaving.
Vary the size and shape of each area to keep players thinking about how best to use different spaces.
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