The key coaching points in this game are passing, movement, support, shooting accuracy, general defending.
Two even numbered teams free play using as many skills as possible to get an opportunity to pass or shoot through one of the six pockets.
The other team try to prevent this and gain possession.
If a team pots a ball they retain possession and continue their break until they miss the target or lose the ball to a tackle or interception.
The first team to score 8 (i.e. 7 reds then the black) wins the game.
For any fouls or cheating the opposition team is awarded a free shot.
Passing, movement, support, shooting accuracy, general defending.
Area: 40x30 yards, six gates like pockets on a pool table
Players: 12, 2 teams of 6
Equipment: Cones, 1 ball
“Accurate passing”
“It’s 5-3” – for example
“Team A is on the black”
Limit the number of touches each player is allowed.
Alternatively, place a ball over each pocket that players must strike with the cue ball in order to pot. This encourages even greater accuracy and good pace on shots and passes.
Play one frame or best of 3 frames and change the personnel around.
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