Although this is a soccer coaching session to get strikers running back onside once they have taken a shot, it is also a good movement and agility soccer drill for all strikers to show their ability to move quickly to the ball when passed from different angles.
Although this is a soccer coaching session to get strikers running back onside once they have taken a shot, it is also a good movement and agility soccer drill for all strikers to show their ability to move quickly to the ball when passed from different angles.
This is an unopposed soccer drill which helps improve technique and movement, and gives players the confidence to attack their opponent’s goal.
Strikers have to be alert so they can move quickly to the ball for a second chance to score, once they have got back onside.
Set up striker skills soccer drill
Use a 40 yards by 30 yards playing area with two cones, two mannequins (or poles/cones), a goal and a goalkeeper.
In this soccer coaching session I have used six outfield players and two coaches.
How to play it
How to rotate players
The attacker joins the back of the opposite queue ready for their next turn.
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