How to play it
• Set up as shown in the pictures above.
Racing pairs
• The first drill is performed without a ball – a player from each team sprints from A to B. Players touch the cone at B and sprint diagonally to either cone C or D, touch that, then race back to the start (see top picture).
• As soon as the first working player touches cone B, the next man in line starts his run.
• Play for five minutes.
Solo pass and receive
• Now we add a ball, while servers are placed two yards either side of cone B (see middle picture).
• This time only one player works at a time. From cone A he passes to either of the servers, before sprinting to B where he receives a return pass back.
• He then sprints to C or D before dribbling back to the start.
• Rotate players every three minutes.
Link and follow
• This time, we place a player on cones A and B, and two players on C and D (see bottom picture).
• The player at A passes to B, follows his pass and stops at the cone. The player at B turns to his right with the ball, dribbles for a short distance then passes to the player at C.
• This man receives the pass, dribbles to cone A, and begins the move again.
• The player at B this time alternates the turn and heads for D.
Technique and tactics
• Passing and receiving well is essential, but this drill teaches players that their role doesn't end there. They must then link, support and anticipate, as the move continues to build, utilising frequent short sprints.