Prime your team to go for goal as soon as possession is regained because that’s when opposition defenders are least prepared and so most vulnerable to attack.
Warm up | Session | Development | Game Situation | Warm Down |
10 minutes | 10 minutes | 10 minutes | 10-15 minutes | 10-15 minutes |
Split players into 4 teams, three players per team. Three players – each one from a different team – stand at each cone.
The drill starts with a keeper rolling a ball to one of the two nearest cones (A or B) to a player who has a team-mate at that end of the pitch. The pair attack the opposite goal.
Ready at the opposite end are, for example, two grey players, but only one comes to meet the attackers creating a 2v1 situation.
As soon as the ball is dead, play re-starts with the 2nd keeper rolling a ball to the other grey player who combines with their team-mate starting another 2v1. If, though, grey 1 wins the ball during the original attack, grey 2 must join them immediately. Whichever way the initial attack concludes, the two white players stay at the end they have attacked, taking care to join different lines. Play continuously.
Note: A defender can only come out if they have a team-mate ready at their end of the pitch to begin or join the next attack.
Split players into three teams, four players per team.
Three players stand at each cone, however only one team (e.g. white) has all its players at one end (A and B). The first pair of defenders will come from this team.
Play 3v2 continuously, beginning with three grey players attacking from the opposite end.
Play two games of 3v3 with each area approx. 20x20m. The nearest defending player to goal can act as a goalkeeper.
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