Working hard to win possession and then keeping the ball for your team.
When the opponents have the ball your team has no option but to work hard in order to win back possession. Therefore, it is vitally important that you keep the ball when you are in possession.
Warm up | Session | Development | Game Situation | Warm Down |
10 minutes | 15-20 minutes | 15-20 minutes | 15-20 minutes | 10 minutes |
Four attackers go into the 10x10yd area, the defender must try to pressure the attackers and win the ball.
If successful, the defender must pass the ball out to a team mate and then go to take their place. The team mate receiving dribbles into the area.
The attacker that lost the ball must now defend and try to win the ball back.
Play 4 attackers v 2 defenders in the smaller central area.
If the 2 players win the ball, can they pass out to their team mates?
Now the game is 6v4 in the larger area.
If the 4 players win possession the game restarts in the central area with the players rotating roles.
Play a small sided game. Look what happens when possession is lost.
Do the players react quickly?
On regaining possession do players give the ball away cheaply?
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We've been at the cutting edge of soccer coaching since we launched in 2007, creating resources for the grassroots youth coach, following best practice from around the world and insights from the professional game.