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Sarah Lowden - Managing matchday to suit your players

Sarah Lowden - Managing matchday to suit your players

FA coach development officer SARAH LOWDEN tells STEPH FAIRBAIRN about her approach to planning, equal playing time, team-talks and game instructions

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Matchdays are a key part of the coaching week and can be exhilarating, daunting and stressful all at once. For the players, those emotions are amplified.

It is the coach’s role to make the matchday experience as safe and enjoyable as possible for all. But how do we go about doing that?

We asked Sarah Lowden, a Uefa A coach and a regional coach development officer at the Football Association, for her take.

Sarah - who has previously coached at the Reading and Burton Albion academies and Sunderland girls’ regional talent centre - shares some of the key things coaches need to consider…

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