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Philip O'Callaghan - Skill acquisition and sporting inspiration

Philip O'Callaghan - Skill acquisition and sporting inspiration

PE teacher PHILIP O'CALLAGHAN tells STEPH FAIRBAIRN how novice players can be taught soccer skills and explains how he borrows ideas from other sports

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Philip O’Callaghan is a physical education teacher from Cork in Ireland.

Though tennis was the sport he played growing up, and coaches now outside of school, his PE sessions mean he teaches a variety of sports.

Much of his approach to teaching sport is based on skill acquisition, a topic he says he researches and reads about as a hobby - even running a Twitter account to make the approach more accessible, and to “give coaches a starting point…to see how they can use some of the skill-acquisition research or theory to improve their sessions".

SCW caught up with Philip to find out more about skill acquisition and how it can be better understood in the context of coaching and session design...

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