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Michael Wright - Pick your battles – and then win them

Michael Wright - Pick your battles – and then win them

Southampton academy coach MICHAEL WRIGHT on 1v1 dominance in defending and the development of 'super strengths'. STEPH FAIRBAIRN asks the questions

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Michael Wright has coached within the youth ranks at Premier League club Southampton for the past decade.

Now working with the under-nines to under-11s in the academy, he has previously held roles with various other age-group teams and in the recruitment department.

His coaching journey began aged 17, and ramped up when he was released as a player, when he had been, by his own admission, "more of a team player than an individual".

Coaching has taught him the importance of individual play, and he has become fascinated with the idea of 1v1 dominance.

SCW caught up with Michael to find out what the term means, what it looks like in an attacking and defensive sense, and how we can coach it…

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