Youth coach Mark Jenkins is already planning for the 2023-24 season – and, as he tells Steph Fairbairn, has ideas to get to know his new squad in depth.
Mark Jenkins is the U15s lead coach at Weston-super-Mare AFC, a semi-professional club based in south-west England.
Having been ready to keep working with his current crop of players for a few years, Mark was told that he would be given a new group for the 2023-24 season.
It spurred him to start early with his season planning, and give him the best chance of getting the most out of his players.
Soccer Coach Weekly caught up with the Uefa B-qualified coach to find out more about how he is going about preparing for next season...
MJ: "Some of it is known information - things I know to be fact, from talking to coaches and being around the season they are having right now.
"Some of it is assumed. There are a couple of things where I’ve gone, ‘It’s probably going to be X, or Y’, and I’ll put things in place to mitigate, work around or improve.
"There are the things that experience tells me will probably crop up, and then there are things where I still need to find out specific things about players. I’m just moving into that stage now.
"One thing I did last year, which I’m doing this year, is sit down with each individual player, have a conversation with them and try to find out about them.
"That will round off the fact-finding piece around what does this group and what do the individuals need? I’ve put in a framework of sorts, in terms of the technical and tactical side, but this year I want to do a lot around the mentality side.
"Are there little gaps in the players’ thinking or confidence? What can I do to help boost that? The technical/tactical, we can all do that. The psychological side of things is the bit that is really starting to interest me now.
"Over the last couple of years it’s been a real thing that I’ve tried to learn. This year I’m hoping that I’m going to be in a good place to be able to help the players with that, as well.”
"What are you like when things go wrong? What is you having a bad day?..."
MJ: "Last year when we did it, I did the thing I do best - talk about stuff I want to talk about. It wasn’t so much about them.
"There are a couple of players I’m coaching this season who are quite quick to go into ’crisis mode’, in terms of their mentality, which completely caught me by surprise.
"I realised I’d never asked them, ’What are you like when things go wrong? What does an annoyed you look like [compared] to an angry, off-the-chart you?’.
"This year, the questions are going to be based around ’What do you look like when things are going well? What’s normal? What is you having a bad day?’.
"But [it’s] also looking at: ’What do you do outside of football?’. I realised, again, I don’t really know a lot in terms of their interests outside of football and things they do.
"I want to get to know the whole person, so I’ve dropped them a couple of online questionnaires that seemed to hit those points around learning styles and mentality.
"Are there certain players that have a self-confidence issue? Are there certain players who don’t react well under pressure? If I’m pre-warned and front-loaded with that information, I can hopefully help them as the season goes on.
"One of the questions I have included is: ’What is the one thing you need from me?’. They might not know the answer - we’re talking 14, 15-year-old boys who are probably not going to know. But if I can tease that out of them - somebody might say: ‘I work best when I do this’ - there might be something.
"It’s just trying to get a full picture of those individuals. I’m going to keep a profile on each to refer back to as we go through the season, and hope to see growth as well."
MJ: "Setting a story for the season is where you are now, where you want to go and what you’re going to do to get there. That really resonated with me.
"I hate the term ‘journey’. But it is about going on a journey, showing players ’this is where you are, this is where I can take you, by the end of the season’.
"I thought it was a really nice way of being able to get people focused. Again, it was one of the things I didn’t do last year that I wish I had done, because I can see how they would have benefited from it.
"I did a little bit of it without really realizing, but this year [there is] definitely going to be more focus on ’this is where we’re going to take you’."
MJ: "I will sit down before the start of the season and we’ll have a mass group presentation: this is what the season’s going to look like, this is how we work, this is what we’re going to do.
"But rather than having it as one thing that people forget, [it will] actually underpin each message we give in that presentation.
"I’m trying to get a full picture of those individuals and hope to see growth, as well..."
"Because you can put it up in one slide and people go: ‘Oh, that’s very nice’. I don’t think in one slide you can get as much depth as you could do throughout a presentation.
"At the end of the day, it’s not just one thing you say at the start of the season and then forget about - this has to be something the players and I will live as we go on.
"It will be something we are talking about - key language, key themes, non-negotiables - as we go through. That hopefully will be what we live by as the season goes on."
MJ: "While saying that I’m going on the mental side this year, and we are, of course I’ve done a technical and tactical syllabus.
"I’ve broken the season down into blocks - pre-season, a more technical focus up to Christmas around building up, playing through the midfield and finishing the attack. Then, after Christmas, giving it more of a tactical slant.
"The one thing I realised from this year when I reflected on it is we haven’t done a great deal in terms of finishing. We’ve done a lot of building up to the box, and my big complaint has always been that we get up to the box and it sometimes slows down or we’re looking for that moment of magic.
"So I’ve specifically built in, in and around the Christmas period, a block where we’re going to work on finishing, because that’s the thing everyone likes to do. That’s the thing that helps players to gain confidence and win games.
"Somebody asked me the other day, and it was a really good question: ’What if the team don’t get the previous week’s [session] and you’ve said you’re going to move on to B, C, and D?
"Of course it’s flexible. I’m not going to stick rigidly to it - if there’s something the players need, of course it can be changed."
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